Pink Food Bank


Who We Are

Pink Food bank foundation is a registered Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) in Consultative Status with the United Nations. It was established with the passion break the Cycle of hunger in poor communities across Africa.

By taking hunger off the table, we enable families to focus on other priorities, like education, growth and security. We enable communities to face their challenges with confidence. Today and in the long term, providing nutritious food is an investment in health and hope for our neighbors and our community.

Why the name “PINK” FOOD BANK

By definition “The color pink” represents




It relates to unconditional love and understanding, and the giving and receiving of nurturing” This definition represent who we are and what we do as an organization.

Our Mission

 Is to provide comprehensive and compassionate HungerCare whenever and wherever it is needed to safeguard the health, well-being and productivity of children, families and impoverished communities.

Our Vision

Create a hunger free society


Eradicate extreme poverty for all poor people living on less than $1.25 a day. Reduce at least by half of the proportion of men, women and children living in poverty.

End hunger and ensure access by all people, in particlular the poor and people in vulnerable situations, including infants. To safe, nutritious and sufficient food all year round.

Substantially reduce the number of deaths, illnesses from hazardous chemicals, air, water, soil pollution and contamination.

Achieve universal and equitable access to safe and affordable drinking water for people living in poor neighbourhood.

Our Core Values


We believe service to others is fundamental in working towards our mission. We serve with excellence, compassion and responsiveness to meet the needs of those with whom we work.


We act with honesty, trust and openness and deliver on commitments. We act within the spirit of agreements, contracts and the law


We strive and work towards excellent in all we do. To us as a team excellence is the quality of being truly the best at what we do.


We respect the inherent worth and dignity of every person and treat all with justice, equality and compassion. We honor the lives, concerns and stories of people in need and expect our staff and member agencies to do the same.


We embrace being a non-traditional anti-poverty organization because we recognize that strategic, innovative approaches are necessary to end hunger.

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